PeterDisAbelard. said...
You said...
Thank you for your suggestions. Is the DaVinci robot also called a laparoscopic surgery? I have already had a question about that. I have heard from a friends experience that MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston Texas does NOT recommend laparoscopic surgery on cancer patients as it can leave cancer cells due to the cutting and removal of an organ.
I wouldn't put too much credence in third hand information about
what the doctors at MD Anderson might recommend. Wait until you talk to them. It is a very well respected cancer center.
Generally the two kinds of prostate surgery one sees these days are "
open" surgery and "robotic" surgery. Comparisons seem to show a slight edge for robotic surgery (better results) but the difference is small enough to be totally overwhelmed by the experience of the surgeon. A very-experienced
open surgeon will get better results than a run-of-the-mill robotic surgeon, and vice versa.h
I would agree if anyone said that Robotic or DaVinci or Laprosopic surgery is not good and worse than
open surgery, I think that I would probably run the other way and that's coming from a guy who had a bad experience with my DaVinci surgery, but I would do it all again the same if I had too. Wish you all the best of luck, and second opinions on everything is great advice. All the best.