Posted 8/18/2015 9:33 AM (GMT -5)
Thanks Gedman, I've tried to make appointment with Dr Mulhall, but he won't take DH without a diagnosis by another doctor. Getting a diagnosis is going to be difficult if we can't get into see a doctor. I'm still trying to get a response from DH's oncologist Urologist. Very frustrating that I haven't been able to get any appointment scheduled. When DH had the testosterone reading of 2000 the first couple endocrinologists didn't have an appointment for 6 months! (we finally got an appt after 4 weeks when they had a cancellation) I hope that's not what will happen here.
A broadway show wouldn't be an inducement for DH. If it were an old growth forest, he might be agreeable, LOL. I haven't even mentioned yet the fact that the doctor I want him to see is in NYC. He won't even go into Philly.
I'm going to ask him to do it because it's important to me. I expect it's the only thing that will get him to NYC. So far he has said he won't go to another doctor at all. In 30 years he never missed a day of work due to illness. Now in the last year he's missed 3 months of work, and seen about 15 different doctors. GP, urologist, UO, MO, RO, lymphedema dr, orthopedist, infectious disease specialist, endocrinologist , lympedema therapy, physical therapy, MRIs, CTscans, beacons, biopsy, been in the emergency room a couple times..... He's just burned out. He doesn't want anything to do with more tests, doctors, and stress. He also used up a week of vacation going on short term disability. Any more time off is using the rest of his vacation time.
He's a really good man. I wish it could be me and not him that has to suffer