Yes I was treated by Dr. Santosh Yajnik. The overall experience was... challenging but not over the top awful. I had HDR Brachy over a two day period. The pharma made it bearable, little to no pain, but for me facing this alone, coupled with other issues may have been the most difficult part. Never underestimate the psychology around a physical malady situation is what I have learned. Yajnik and his team were great, showing what I felt was quite a bit of attentive care. I was in the hospital for two nights ( Advocate Illinois Medical Center Chicago) and felt the care I received there was quite good. However, I feel my recovery (it has been over 7 months) has been less than stellar. But this is only me, my body. I am still on FLOMAX and when I have tried to stop taking it I lose all sense of normalcy regarding urination. I was was on 2 a day but have been able to cut that down to one a day. Though I have more intense sexual climax (go figure), there is 90 to 95% less ejaculation. This is very disheartening. On the up side, my PSA is in line and falling in the expected downward trajectory. That is good. I can do everything I did before ( much less interest in sex overall) but again I correlate that to my psychology more than anything, I guess. My numbers were very similar to yours. Upsides and downsides to this treatment mode. Another upside has been zero incontinence, though it took a bit of time to get used to and then rid of a general uneasiness in the abdomen area. Because of my solo situation, this (or LDR) was the best treatment choice for me. I didn't want to travel and really felt comfortable with the sense of knowledge, availability, intelligence and kindness displayed by Yajnik and his team. The attending URO is Paul Yanover
I hope this info is of value and I would be pleased to answer any questions you might have. Also, note with the two consecutive day HDR Brachy treatment, you are strapped into stirrups (legs up) for that period of time but numb from an epidural so not much to feel or notice.
BenSam--hey everyone ...been along time...