Posted 10/5/2015 7:56 AM (GMT -5)
I'm the CTO of a very small healthcare IT company, and I felt pressure from the company to be back at work quickly. The words were "take your time, let yourself heal", but the e-mails about things that needed to be done were much more urgent.
So, I had my surgery on a Monday, and I was working from home by Wednesday. I'm sure I wasn't at my best, but I was able to contribute just a few days later.
I just had another surgery - much more significant than the RALP. This time, I was in the hospital for 5 nights, coming home on a Sunday. I worked part-time from home the day after I came home, and simply worked as many hours as I could handle. By the second week I was back in the office. I'm still only 3 weeks post surgery and I'm in the office again.
But, I don't want to sound heroic here in any way. To be honest, I think it was dumb to push myself so hard both times, and I wish I'd had other options. If we were a bigger company, I probably would have used FMLA and taken six weeks this time around.
I believe that in both cases, my rush to return to work slowed down the healing process and allowed the pain from surgery to last longer than it might have.
So, my best advice is don't do what I did. If I had a more stable employment situation, I would have taken more time for each surgery.