I have been using a bimix prescript
ion for several years now (Bimix #1 Pap 30 - Phent 1). My prescript
ion recently expired, and the doctor required a visit to renew it. I went for the visit, got the new order, and faxed it to my pharmacist, who called me to say the doctor changed the prescript
ion to Pap 30 - Phent 0.5.
I assume this is a weaker prescript
ion?? The doctor didn't say anything about
changing the prescript
ion, and now, of course, he's gone until Tuesday. Very frustrating, given it takes the pharmacy a few days to make the prescript
ion, and I am completely out.
I cannot think of why he would have changed the prescript
ion, except I did tell him I was using daily Cialis... but I am only trying that and not sure that I will continue. Could that be the reason? Even still, it seems he should have said *something* about
changing the prescript
ion...? Unless it is a mistake.