My view is that a small population of men, for some reason, will present with the highly aggressive tumors right from the jump. Most men will present at some point{ especially if it is really looked for, with less aggressive tumors { gl6} , which, again for some reason, will remain indolent their whole life. Other men will start with gl 6 and over time these tumors will be come less differentiated and be the more aggressive timors that will need treatment and could kill you, given enough time treated or not. What makes be believe this is as puzzling as the disease itself. Call it a quickening of knowledge induced by everything in my being gleaned in 72 years of existence. Having said this, even the most aggressive variant is slow compared to most cancers floating around out there. Most men with who present with pca will die with it and not from it This is especially true with the advances is Pca treatments available..Small comfort for those that die from it, but then again... we all die from something at some time and in a " timespace continuam" that negates itself, my belief system defines that as the same time. I mean we all need to something to believe in... why not that which comforts the most... As I can not [no one can} ultimately "disprove" someone else/s belief system, no one can disprove mine. This does not mean their is not an ultimate truth, It just means, in the flesh we will never know as we are known, which is why, like a dessert, the best is saved for the last... which by some oddity of life be come in fact and in truth the first. This truth is all around us in the just eludes us and, like water grasped tightly, slips thru our fingers... hopefully to relieve the thirst of others... Damm where does this stuff come from... I swear I have no factual idea...
Post Edited (logoslidat) : 10/26/2015 4:56:12 AM (GMT-6)