I echo Tudpock18's comment that Peter DA's last two paragraphs, and many of the other replies you've already gotten, are excellent.
If I may embellish on two of PeterDA's other comments, I would like to fill them out with additional "color" for completeness. I welcome PeterDA to comment on my comments, if needed; but hopefully none of my comments will appear in any way objectionable.
PeterDisAbelard. said...
I forget the exact percentage but something like one in four guys who are diagnosed with Gleason 6 disease but who decide to have surgery anyway will turn out to have a higher grade cancer (than the biopsy had indicated) found when the removed prostate is examined.
That's correct, but let me add these two points. Nearly a quarter of the low-risk category men who later went on to surgery also turned out to have lower Gleason grading on their surgical pathology report...wouldn't that stink to have gone through all that and then they can't even find the cancer! Secondly, the vast majority who did have a higher grade after surgery moved only to 3+4, which is nearly inconsequential. Peter's case was a bit different (rare), which I will take liberty to comment on next...
PeterDA mentioned his pre-surgery 3+3/3+4 went to a post surgery 4+5. Today, someone like him, or like you, who chose to follow AS would very likely get a mp-MRI as part of the confirmation process to make sure you are indeed a carefully-selected AS candidate. The multi-parametric MRI has the benefit of looking at the entire prostate (instead of the sampling done in needle biopsy) and look for whether there are high-Gleason pattern cell clusters. PeterDA didn't have that...they weren't that common just a few years ago, but are becoming the new "standard" for AS patients (and part of the "active" part). It's very likely (PDA, please comment here, if you'd like to) that PeterDA's advanced tumor would have been ferreted out with a mpMRI, if he had one done in today's environment.
I offer this info up in the spirit of boosting your "patient education," tmichel. best wishes...