That is quite fantastic!
As a person, who has to date refused all conventional treatment, even though, according to epidemiological studies, had a mean average life expectancy of 24 months to live, when I was dx-ed 21 months ago, this is exactly the sort of thing I have been waiting and hoping (dare I say praying, in my own way?) for.
Actually, although, compared to the norms, my PSA is quite sky high, to the point where the MDs feel it is a foregone conclusion that it has metastasized, it is now actually 23% lower than the first PSA test I ever had, which indicated a serious problem. But it has not been a steady decline. Very up and down, within a range of 17% below 1st PSA test to 45% below that test. There was a single test, fairly early on which was a 54% drop from from that original score. But it was impossible to maintain, due to the problems my self-treatment was causing.
My last test was up 20% from the previous month's test. When it goes down, I am ecstatic, when it goes up, I sense the grim reaper lurking somewhere just beyond pale, not too near, yet not so far away, either. So it's been a real roller coaster ride.
Of course, though I don't give much daily thought to it, it has certainly been in the back of my mind, that if I can hold out long enough, the scientists may come up with some effective treatment, something besides burn, slash, and poison, which treatments I have, to date, been unwilling to submit to.
I was on a very upbeat high in my life, prior to my recent PSA score a week ago, so the past week has been a down one. but not as bad as a year ago, as I have become slightly numb to all the drama.
So thanks very much, Duke, for this ray of light. I pray that it is the first appearance of a light at the end of the tunnel!
Keep smilin', guys!
Post Edited (Jaybee_007) : 1/12/2016 7:04:14 PM (GMT-7)