In my opinion, the uro should rule out the other, more likely causes of elevated PSA before rushing to a biopsy. A good DRE can be informative about
enlargement, lumps or hardness which all point to different things. An ultrasound will give you a good size estimate for BPH diagnosis, PSA density, and can show obvious benign cysts or other lesions. Sometimes all it takes is 10 days on Cipro. Sometimes a few months on Proscar if your prostate is enlarged.
There's a better blood test called PHI. Your urologist may not give it. Call at the link below to get local uros who do give it. It's cheap, better than PSA and free PSA (it includes both), and is covered by insurance. Here's the link:
Prostate Health Index (PHI)PCA3 is not covered by insurance before the first biopsy, and it can run you hundreds of dollars out of pocket, and is probably not worth that cost. Check with your insurance before asking for it or any of the several non-covered biochemical tests ( e.h., 4Kscore, Prolaris, Oncotype, etc.). I'd recommend you do the cheap, easy stuff first.
- Allen