Posted 2/23/2016 2:28 PM (GMT -5)
welcome to HW.
PSA only measures prostate activity and really only useful to tell you when to see a urologist to get things checked out. Things that can cause high PSA are: BPH (enlarged prostate), prostatitis (infection), sex before the test, bike riding, bad day at the lab and last and lowest on the list: cancer.
Infection or prostatitis is more often associated with wildly swinging PSA numbers. BPH and PC tend to have constant upward trends. We've also heard from us of our members of lab tests that have returned false results.
In your case, I'd suspect that the 1.4 is a false reading (an error at the lab). Your other numbers are basically the same (the .1 change is likely just noise or because you're a year older).
It's a bit of a mystery, but likely nothing to worry about too much. If does concern you, get a referral to a URO for a check and evaluation.