Posted 2/29/2016 11:32 AM (GMT -5)
Howard, I'm pretty sure your next Psa score will help you decide. I would assume the RO's are recommending sooner than later, but that would depend on your pathology. The new radiology units may be using the most current machines available, with qualified docs, so I don't know that I would rule them out. Definitely not if your next score shows a jump. I found that the RO's do little other than write the program. Not to minimize that, but once they've determined the dose and direction they typically have little more to do with you. It's the technicians that get you thru it. If the treatment plans are the same, using the same equipment, I would probably not wait for Carbone. I grew up in Madtown. I'm assuming you live nearby due to your reference to Carbone. They have a great reputation. Go Bucky.