I'm learning more new words. Gary has had a lot of water retention in one leg and foot for several weeks in addition to doubling PSA.
Last week I was devastated to learn that my boss has end stage ovarian cancer with ascites.
After Google search and viewing some graphic and not so pretty pictures, I realized that Gary appears to be showing increased signs of ascites as well. Last couple of days he has had a lot of trouble keeping down anything eaten later in the day. He is seeing the medonc tomorrow, but phone conversation with his PA indicated he agreed that ascites was likely the issue. I hope my DH can get relief from an oral med (more pills!!) and not need to have a drainage procedure.
I imagine he will be getting some new scans or an ultrasound soon also.
I am trying to be hopeful that the cancer is not rapidly destroying his liver (his blood markers are still good!), but there are some depressing symptoms happening.
Will update tomorrow.
Good vibes and prayers much appreciated.
Beth for Gary