Posted 4/30/2016 3:52 PM (GMT -5)
Dear Ziggymonster,
Yes, my brother ... sounds like you're reading the chapter in the CHEMO CHRONICLES book entitled "The Chemo Crash" --- although all of us here who have undergone chemotherapy treatments agree that side effects can vary, there ALWAYS seems to be the inevitable chapter in the book that we have all nicknamed "The Chemo Crash" ...
Your experience is matching mine, as far as timing ... along with the infusion process, you were given steroids and anti-nausea components to help your body tolerate the infusion --- a lot of us in the CHEMO CLUB report feeling fine and even "ramped up" for a couple of days after chemo, due to the steroids ... but then, alas, the inevitable crash ...
My oncologist knew I wanted to keep working each and every day ... so he timed my chemo treatments for late Wednesday afternoons ... thinking that my "crash" would hit on weekends ... sure enough, just like clockwork each time, the "crash" would hit on the weekend after the Wednesday infusions ... sounds like yours is following a similar pattern to mine in terms of timing.
Most of us ALSO report a similar pattern after each treatment ... so, now you are finding out when your energy slump will likely occur each time. Your body is being assaulted by the toxins right now. Your blood components and immunity system are also under attack right now ... but REMEMBER that the chemo is likely beginning to assassinate renegade cancer cells as we speak, so take heart in that thought !
Friends of mine who have undergone chemo right after I finished up have said, "Give it to me straight ... what's it really like ? Put it into words, and be honest with me."
The best words that I have found to describe the inevitable "chemo crash" are these descriptions ... you feel a sense of LETHARGY ... you feel a sense of general MALAISE. Am I on target, Ziggymonster ?
Some other ways to describe the energy crash ...
1. You suddenly feel like an alley cat who's been outside all night prowling around chasing mice, without any sleep.
2. You feel almost as if you might be getting the flu in a day or two ... but the flu doesn't fully develop.
3. You feel like you did after you stayed up 'round the clock, writing a twenty page paper during an "all-nighter" in college.
4. You feel like the mouse that the cat just drug in and laid at your feet. This time, you're the mouse!
5. You feel like you woke up with a morning hangover, after a weekend fraternity party back in college days.
The last one seems to resonate the most with my fellow friends who have gone through chemo treatments, just as I have ... yep, the crash that follows a few days after each chemo treatment reminds each fellow of a night spent having a few too many shots of whiskey at the pubs, and then waking up afterwards the next morning ...
Best advice ... keep drinking water, as much as possible. Sounds like you're in the middle of the crash, so rest in the recliner or rest a bit on the couch ... when it hits, you've got to do a bit of resting to recharge.
Best news of all ... all of us seem to pull through it in a short amount of time ... usually, a couple of rougher days ... and then suddenly, you will feel a RESURGENCE of energy as your body begins to restore itself. My crash lasted through the weekend ... Mondays back at work were a little bit rough ... but by Tuesday, I could really feel my energy coming back ... just like a car battery coming back to life on a winter's day after using a set of jumper cables !
Hang in there, Ziggymonster ... some rest and relaxation for you this weekend ... I'm drinking a bottle of water right now as I write this, in your honor, and hope you're doing the same ! Sounds like you are now officially a member of "The Chemo Club" and earning your badge of honor this weekend ...
Lines of support from a fellow member of "The Chemo Club" sent to you, Ziggymonster,
"Cyclone Fan" ~ From Iowa State University ~ On The Plains & Prairies Of The Great Midwest