Posted 3/10/2018 4:00 PM (GMT -5)
This is a reply that may apply to many regarding Trimix and Penile injections in general.
My urologist is so busy performing surgeries that most post operative issues are handled by a Nurse Practioner.
Unfortunately, I don’t think she is as knowledgeable as those that are on this forum. I had to ask for Trimix
and she prescribed in the lowest mixture available. I never got any usable erections and was very cautious
Tritrating. Go low, go slow, right. Except I never got anything out of it although petrified of getting a dreaded
4 hour erection. Much anxiety. Finally, I was able to get her to up the strength to a standard dosage
After starting titration all over again, albeit at a lower starting dose; same thing no usable erections.
After two injections, I sought information on this forum, and read from some others that because of venous leakage, that injected Trimix sometimes leaks out before an erection can be induced.
Using a retention ring and plumping up my penis before injection, putting extra tension to the ring,
I injected. I kept a firm clamp at the base for a good 5 minutes. After 5 minutes and lightening
the tension, couple with slow massage I achieved a very strong erection. That continued even after removing the ring. I had injected 2.5 units, which stood out directly from my body. I couldn’t believe it
after a couple months of failures. It took 2 full hours for it to subside. After an hour, I panicked that perhaps I would have a trip to the ER. I did the usual excercise to redirect blood away, and took sudafed.
Luckily it went away after 2 hours. I now back the dose back to 2 and everything working fine.
SOoo, if you are having problems with Trimix, or injectables not working, it may be due to the drugs leaking back into your body. Thanks to this forum (and no thanks to my Urologist Nurse Practioner), it appears my
ED is under control. Good Luck.