All 3 radiation oncologists and my original medical oncologist feel that PNI can have a big impact concerning recurrance.
Oops, let me finish my answer, got put off on a long phone call.
These doctors felt strongly, that because fo PNI, that cancer cells can easily escape up the nerves and nerve bundles. They feel this is how micro-metastises (?) often take place. And why what seems to be a "clean" surgery and good post surgery pathology report, suddenly changes and turns into a case of quick recurrance. Not pretending to be a doctor of any kind, but using our dear brother Sonny from FL, his case of having a first class surgery turn into almost instant reccurance, and now there is a "spot" on his leg bone, could very well be an example of PNI. Certainly no way of proving or disproving it at this point.
Most of the books on PC surgery downplay the significance of PNI, including the great Walsh book if I remember correctly. Since there are so many nerves and nerve bundles surrounding the prostate, and if you factor in the men that have really enlarged prostates, it would seem like there are many of these "tunnels" for PC cells to escape.
I remember my original medical oncologist discussing my utlra rare cancers in the past, telling me that it would take one million cancer cells to sit on the "point" of a staight sewing pin, and there would still be room for more.
That's also why most of early dx PC guys cat and bone scans truly are a waste of time and money, as with a low Gleason and a low PSA, nothing is going to be developed at that point to possibly show up on those type of tests.
Why the 3 radiation oncologist disagreed among themselves, for example, on the value of adding HT either before or after SRT, and had far ranging views on vitamins and supplements, for example, they all gave me the same answer on PNI.
I am not saying I agree or disagree, have no firm way of knowing the answer.
David in SC