Posted 8/30/2016 2:15 PM (GMT -5)
After some frustrating delays due to a broken MRI machine with subsequent rescheduling, I have finally heard from the ROs office and apparently the "bone met" was not a met but an 8mm nodule on the prostate bed. I will see the RO next Tuesday and get more details. For now the nurse wanted to tell me that the Dr felt this was good news and he was confident that he could knock it out with radiation treatment. I've been mapped and am scheduled to begin the first of 38 sessions next Wednesday. On the one hand I'm glad they've ruled out the met and can have SRT. On the other, I'm a little nervous since I've probably read way too much on the subject, side effects, etc. One day at a time and hopeful for a good outcome. I'd love nothing more than to have my membership in the zero club reinstated.
Bob R.