Posted 10/16/2016 1:03 AM (GMT -5)
Hey Mews2much,
I can't speak at all about the kidney stent issue, but I did have a TURP done about 15 months ago. My case was fairly straight-forward in that my PC had grown so much that it completely closed off the passageway for urine to leave my bladder, but that was all. The spreading I had was to bones; my organs were good.
In my case, the TURP was wildly successful. Frankly, it was one of the best 10 days of my life, probably. I went from completely miserable with UTIs and inability to urinate except by self-catheterization every 3 hours to a return to normal within a few days. The surgery itself did not cause pain; just discomfort from the temporary cath they leave in for a few days while things heal from surgery. I also had little bleeding and did not need any transfusion. Once the temp cath was removed, I was good to go, literally. I felt a little more urgency in going, and I leaked a tiny bit but small TENA pads worked fine for me. The urgency and leaking went away after a few weeks. Today, despite becoming mCRPC and having a PSA higher than at my original diagnosis, I am still able to urinate essentially like I did at 20 years old.
You should of course take my anecdote for what it is, just one case. Other posters here (I am thinking of kukukajoo for instance) did not have as good an experience. Try doing a search on TURP and view some other folks comments. Just about every medical procedure has risks that you want to understand as each of our cases is different. I wish you and Steve great luck with his procedures.