Posted 11/21/2016 6:03 PM (GMT -5)
I realize it's pretty hard to know just what to do for many of us!
I just got a new PSA reading @ 3.45! It was 4.0 in June and 4.3 in Jan. Free PSA still only @ 11%, however, (9% in June, 10% in Jan.). My signature details below will explain how things have developed.
I've been on active surveillance but now have RALP scheduled for Dec. 14. I do have one further appointment with Dr. Scholz next week and I just sent him my latest numbers. Any guesses on what he'll advise?
Maybe I should at least get a second reading on that MRI targeted 3 core biopsy that found Gleason 3+4 (G 4 est. @10%)?
With my old TURP scars, etc., it has always seemed quite likely that I'd have pretty bad SE's from either RT or RP. So risking continued AS despite high volume cancer, 40-60% est. ECE chances, and pretty good estimated longevity, might still make sense? After all Prolaris results were incouraging, and now this latest PSA result.....
Or is that declining PSA an irrelevant fluke?
Thanks for any thoughts,