1 study, done in Spain, showed "some promise" in
cannabidiol (CBD - no high involved) fighting brain cancer. Here is a link to the overview:
You will note that the study was done in 2009 on
glioblastoma brain cancer NOT on
acinar adenocarcinoma prostate cancer. Cancers are not all the same and what works on one cancer may have no effect at all on another. This, by the way, is called "citing your source". That is how you back up a claim you have made. Personal opinions, hearsay and wishful thinking are referred to as "anecdotal" and those are not the same as actual science.
It would be absolutely wonderful if cannabis, fillet Mignon, champagne or Scotch Whisky killed cancer, but I won't buy it until I read the study. Like I said before, you may well enjoy the high, but I wouldn't bet the house on it being anything more, sorry.
I am a medicinal cannabis consumer, a long - time activist, advocate and an enthusiastic supporter of ending prohibition. I am likely the closest thing to an expert on this topic on this board with more than 40 years study and experience in the field. I also deal in facts, however. Smoking anything is bad for you. Smoking cannabis destroys more than 50% of the active ingredients and generates a bunch of toxins that you then ingest. I suggest serious consideration of alternate ingestion alternatives.