Posted 1/21/2017 11:42 PM (GMT -5)
We are all here for you on the Healing Well website. You've discovered a very compassionate and caring CORNER OF THE WORLD. You've already seen, read, and experienced the outpouring of concern from other members ... this happens, each and every day, right here on the website.
I'd like to share some hope and encouragement with you. You've already gotten started on your treatments ... the LUPRON shots have worked some wonders for you already, helping to "starve and strangle" those hormone sensitive cancer cells.
From there, you have added other treatments in your treatment regimen. You and your medical team are taking a proactive approach in the attack !
I'm thankful that you are "taking it to the top" and seeking some additional expertise from an internationally renowned medical facility. All of us deserve the very best ... and seeking out additional expertise for cases with complexities is always an excellent idea.
I was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer when I was in my 40s. My initial PSA was over 100 when I was first diagnosed ... and to add some complications to the situation, my prostate cancer had already infiltrated both my lungs by the time I was diagnosed. I had to get started on treatments IMMEDIATELY ... no time to waste !
I am a school teacher, and a new school year had just begun. I had taught school for about twenty-five years and a new school year was just beginning when I got the news of my health diagnosis.
I want to share some hope with you ... since that day, I have continued teaching full-time ... I exercise every day ... I stay active ... I pursue hobbies and volunteer work ... and I stay connected to my family, friends, and faith.
I have a personal saying, that I would like to share with you: "Cancer might be a chapter in my life story, now, but cancer is NOT the title of my BOOK OF LIFE." Words to think about, words to reflect upon ...
Despite the diagnosis you have just received, there is hope for you, just as there has been for me. When I was first diagnosed, I wondered, "Will I even live until Christmas time?" Sigh ... I've been there ... we all need ENCOURAGEMENT along the way ... that's what you will find, right here on this website.
We've got members from every corner of the country here, as well as loyal members from across the globe. Our collective purpose ? To walk alongside each other ... to support each other ... to learn about new treatments and medications ... to advise each other, when asked ... and to share first-hand experiences that will help others. We invite you to check in here often ! There's loyalty and camaraderie in abundance here on this website ... you'll see it in action, each time you visit.
Once my treatments began, I began to feel hope and encouragement ... family, friends, work colleagues, community members, and my students rallied around me ... my doctors became a lifeline and GODSEND to me ... and I began to see that my initial treatments were beginning to HELP ME.
Since then, I've had some meaningful successes with my medical treatments ... I've had many accomplishments since the day I was diagnosed, that I perhaps never imagined on that day that I heard the news of my cancer diagnosis.
Several of us have banded together lately and created a special thread for our newly diagnosed friends here on the website. I'd like to invite you to read it, and I think you will find it meaningful and inspirational. In the top right-hand corner of your screen, you will see a SEARCH BAR. Type in this thread title: LETTERS TO THE NEWLY DIAGNOSED. I think that reading through the letters will give you a sense of hope ...
I have continued to live life, to the fullest extent ... and recently celebrated my fourth Christmas, back in my hometown, with all my family members gathered together with me. Over New Year's, I had a reunion with my old college roommates from "back in the day" ... milestones ... the simple, everyday blessings of life ...
Not so long ago, I realized that I have lived to see over 1,000 sunrises and 1,000 sunsets since the day I was diagnosed. I'm still here ... I'm still facing forward ... I'm still pursuing treatments ... and I wanted to share these pieces of my story with you, in the hope that you will be encouraged, as you continue your medical treatments.
I want to wish you ongoing success, as your treatments continue. We are all in this together, and we're ALL here to support YOU !
Handshake of support, from across the miles,
"Cyclone Team Fan" ~ Iowa State University