You seem to have been getting the usual good advice here and your husband seems to be in the care of an excellent team of doctors. MSK is a good center.
I've added your name to our
Gleason 9 Crew list. It is a list of members here who have high-risk disease like your husbands (or mine). It's reassuring reading, actually, because there are a lot of names on the list and most of them are still doing OK (for various values of "OK" to be sure.)
I'm not the expert on such things that some of our other members are but I think you are probably right that the doctors will recommend some sort of additional (adjuvant) therapy. With Gleason 9 disease it is difficult to overtreat it and, while you husband's pathology report is pretty good, that one positive node in the fatty tissue keeps it from being perfect. These days doctors tend to pull the trigger for follow-on treatments at the least sign of a flaw in the pathology report for high-risk disease. If the report isn't suffused with a heavenly glow and the angels don't sigh when the folder is
opened that's not good enough. He should do what his doctor says but what he can expect them to say is hormones and radiation for some duration and some dose.
Welcome to the forum. Sorry you needed to look for us but glad you found us. Hope we can help.