Purgatory said...
It's never going to hurt you. But help you? Twenty-million dollar questions that's been argued to death for years, here and elsewhere.
Both my urologist and my oncologist feel this all you are really doing is producing very expensive urine. But its your body and your money.
I agree with you. I'm one of the world's devout skeptics.
And nevertheless I now have an MO who recommends Pomi-T capsules but only in addition to whatever conventional treatment lies down the road; and I just saw my RO this morning who recommends pomegranate juice, vitamin D3 and other supplements in addition to whatever else lies down the road. I figure the capsules are cheap ($20 per month or so) and probably harmless, so I'll go along.
But I'm still wondering if I've now crossed through the looking glass into a realm where nobody really knows and therefore even the physicians latch on to magic. We'll probably never know. I'm still firmly rooted in the world of empirical proof, but maybe now willing to play along--though only to a point. I'm just not sure quite where the point is. It's clearly well short of chasing after apricot pit cures while neglecting the realm of double-blind studies (as recommended by a neighbor when I was first diagnosed). But I'll take cheap capsules of vegetable dust if it might -- I say only might-- help, and if I have no reason to suspect they are harmful.
But I can't help but dwell on the irony that as an Agent Orange vet the government's use of chemicals to destroy vegetation may by why I'm even talking to these doctors and taking vegetable dust capsules. Go figure.