Bololidat said...
Amazing the others as well...what a gift daughter...pure as...well you know...
Yes, Snowcake, I also feel that you are a total blessing to your dad and those you love. But you seem to be very distressed that you are not also Super Woman who also happens to be a physician PC cancer specialist. You are pitting your research abilities against the advice of your docs and wondering why you can not know enough about
this stuff to correctly over rule them. Considering that you can get totally different advice from one of them compared to the other, especially depending on what their specialty is, you getting educated enough to save your Dad from the errors of his physicians is going to be quite the accomplishment(assuming they actually are errors and assuming you are not the one making errors as you try to become an expert in all of this in a short time while in an emotional state).
Snow, you really can not accomplish this super human task. Sure, you ( like us ) can research and read studies and then read a new study that contradicts, and you can make your best shot. But in the end you either have to trust your docs or fire them, and then you have to decide which physician you can actually trust to give you the right advice. I'm here to tell you that is a hard game.
I spent 36 years in ORs with these guys giving anesthesia- not infrequently for PC surgery or even some RT treatments for various cancers. And in the end, I still made some choices that I regret. And at least one thing that makes the exact correct choice getting picked from what all of these advisors are telling you is the sheer emotion that interferes with clear thinking. At a time when you feel like something- whatever it is- needs to be done NOW. Good luck with all of that.
So what I am saying, Dearest Snowcake, is try really hard to cut your self some much needed major slack.
It is going to be very hard for you to make correct cutting edge medical decisions on a subject you knew zero about just a short time ago. All you can do is read up on it and try your best to decide which of these physicians you should listen to. If you later decide you backed the wrong horse, well that is simply not your fault. You are not a PC cancer specialist physician with 8 years+ of post college education and years of experience in this field. Again, considering they often can not agree among themselves about
what you should do, how the heck are you supposed to make a guaranteed error free choice among them?
IMO, most folks are simply incapable of pulling off such a gargantuan task. So if you think you have decided wrong, try hard to forgive yourself for not being super human. And consider that sense you know so little about
this subject, you may change your mind later about
what the right choice was. And even if not, the only way you were ever really going to be able to pull that off was with a stout dose of luck. High emotion and rational decision simply don't go hand in hand.
I'm sorry this has happened to you. Hang in there, and God bless!