Posted 4/15/2017 7:45 PM (GMT -5)
Dear Bird8,
I'm here to lend you my care, concern, and support right now.
You have found a VERY caring "corner of the world" on this website.
The members here hail from across the entire United States, with loyal members joining us from across the globe, as well.
Each story is unique ... but in your words, I found common threads in my own story.
I, too, was in my 40s, when I was unexpectedly diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. Every member here knows the worries, fears, and anxieties that you and your husband are facing together right now.
I am an elementary school teacher ... I had just attended my 30th high school class reunion ... I had been blessed with a lifetime of perfect health.
A new school year had just begun ... I've taught for over 25 years. I began having some health symptoms and this led to a series of tests ... PSA tests ... biopsy ... bone scans ... this is right where you are at in your journey.
There's worry, panic, fear, restlessness, anxiety, and sleepless nights ...
My diagnosis ... advanced prostate cancer, with a PSA of over 100 at the time of diagnosis ... and by the time I was diagnosed, the prostate cancer had infiltrated both of my lungs.
I can see the "fighting spirit" that is evident in your post. That's what's going to get you started in your battle ...
Make sure that you have a top-notch oncologist, who specializes in prostate cancer. In my case, I have my original urologist, my main oncologist, and now a urology oncologist expert from Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. They all work together on my case --- sharing test results --- consulting with each other.
The biggest thing I want to convey to you is a sense of HOPE.
I knew, from the onset, that my case would have its challenges. My doctors got my started immediately on ADT hormone shots and this brought my PSA down from 138, down to very low levels. Many of us here are on this form of treatment.
In consultation with my oncologist, we decided to then add a series of chemotherapy treatments, as a second form of "attack" against my cancer. Many of us here have pursued chemotherapy treatments as a weapon of attack against our cancer.
In more recent times, my oncologist added one of the newer breakthrough medications that has been recently F.D.A. approved in the fight against advanced prostate cancer. These newer breakthrough treatments and medications include XTANDI, PROVENGE, ZYTIGA, and XOFIGO.
Throughout all these treatments, I have continued my teaching career. My appointments are very late in the day, allowing me to not miss time with my school students.
Throughout it all, I have stayed active and I exercise each day. I continue to stay active socially ... I still pursue all my usual activities and hobbies ... and I work on volunteer and charity projects.
Over time, my treatments have helped me. New treatments and medications HAVE emerged in the past decade that can be very effective and helpful. These medications and treatments continue to help me, every single day ... you'll see my medical history, printed below my signature at the bottom of this post.
Your doctors will begin advising your husband ... treatments will begin ... you'll learn a great deal, in a short amount of time ... and we're here to support you. This is a place for you to check in, whenever you need to ... your husband, as well ... we've got supportive members checking in here, 'round the clock, 365 days a year, weekend and holidays.
Members here listen ... they care ... they lend support ... they share advice, when asked ... they will answer specific questions you might have ... we offer solace, on rough days, when you need it the most ... and we share first-hand treatment experiences, in the interest in helping others.
Each of us experience challenges, to be sure, but you also need to know that there is HOPE out there ... and treatments that can lead to some meaningful treatment success for your case, as well.
I have one piece of advice that can help you, beginning RIGHT NOW. At the top, right-hand corner of your screen, you will find a SEARCH BOX. Type in this thread titles, as follows: LETTERS TO THE NEWLY DIAGNOSED. Once you type that in, click on that thread and the entire thread will be revealed to you. Read through the letters ... print off a paper copy ... and share the letters with your husband, Bird8.
He needs those letters, right now ... trust me ... and I think they will be helpful to you, as well, Bird8, as your husband begins the medical treatments that his doctors will suggest to him ...
I started this medical journey of mine almost four years ago ... I'm still here, I'm still facing forward ...
I needed some hope when I received my diagnosis and that's what I'm sharing with you today --- my hope. We're all in this together
My best advice today ... no matter what it takes ... stay active, both physically and emotionally ... keep facing forward ... keep living your daily life to the fullest extent possible ... and I have found that staying connected to family, friends, and faith, in whatever form that takes for you, to be the most important thing of all.
A message of support and hope, from across the miles,
"Cyclone Team Fan" ~ Iowa State University