Here's a table of some of the strengths that guys have reported for Trimix. Sometimes Trimix Double will be labeled as Trimix Super. Trimix #3 is not triple strength (it's a bit weaker than Trimix Double) -- that's just how it is sometimes labeled.
Ingredient (Max soluable dose) | Trimix Single | Trimix Double | Trimix #3 | Quadmix |
Papavarine (30mg) | 16.7 | 30 | 21.8 | 30 |
Phentolamine (1.5mg) | 0.56 | 1 | 1.2 | 1.5 |
Alprostadil (60ug) | 5.6 | 20 | 15 | 20 |
Milrinone | -- | -- | -- | 0.7 |
It is the Alprostadil that does most of the heavy lifting in the mix and your 30 1
10 mix is probably not as strong as Trimix Double (30 1
20). So there is still room to trade up on your mix. You could try Double or Quad if you wanted but should still start with a lower dose (smaller number of units) and work up.
I am a bit confused about
whether your first shot was from a urologist. He would have made sure you knew where to inject (near the base at a 1:00 to 3:00 or a 9:00 to 11:00 position -- basically on the top side of your willy but staying away from the center line).
What does "without success" and "no go" mean? Some reaction but not enough? Have you compared your results if you remain vertical vs laying down? I had a venous leak and finally wound up getting an implant but while I was trying to make trimix work I found that I got decent results as long as my torso was vertical but that when I would lay down so would Mr Unreliable.
Oh, and by the way, welcome to the forum.