Posted 5/21/2017 9:52 PM (GMT -5)
Hi, WH. By "negative' was there a PIRADS score on the MRI? Any prostate enlargement?
In any case, for the vast majority of guys, a biopsy isn't that big of a deal. Of course there's the 'freak out' factor. Ya can't help that, but look what women go through at their GYN checkups!
Your PSA is on the high side for your age though. My understanding is that PCa is considered as more of a 'sporadic' disease than hereditary. My uncle (dad's brother) had it in '96 (still kicking at 74), but my father, at nearly 72, has never been diagnosed. From what I know, my great-grandfather had it but died of something else. My stepfather died from it after a 6 year battle, and had no family history at all.
So, I guess the question is about how comfortable you are about waiting and seeing.....
IMO, don't sweat the biopsy. It's over in a few minutes. You're going to have a bit of blood in your urine, and possibly in your stool. And definitely in your semen! But it will all eventually go away. There's a slight risk of infection from the procedure, but you'll be given antibiotics for before and after.
Where do you live?