thanks annie! my dad's urologist wasn't a urology oncologist, just a urologist (though i know there are good uros out there who treat cancer very well!) but unfortunately this one wasn't on the ball. i read his reviews and so many people have been saying the same thing about
i guess it's too late though to look back and regret. i just wish he'd done a scan! right now we're with a medical oncologist who specialises in PCA and he is really great. i think in ontario at least, we are still allowed to go with a med onc with PCA if we want (my dad started seeing him as soon as the bone met appeared) but in our case, one was never recommended and at the time, i didn't realise we could go to one with a GP referral or ask for one. in fact, we didn''t know med oncs even existed!
in my dad's case, he had continuous HT for 32 months - we had actually agreed with the doctor that it was gonna be IHT but for some reason he didn't do that. my dad's PSA went to 0 very quickly once HT started so i'm still unsure why he was given hormones continuously for 32 months with no break. apparently, this mutation he has can result from overuse of hormones and some recommend IHT to decrease the risk of these types of mutations.
i do want answers from the uro but i know it won't help my dad - i'm just more concerned that he doesn't do this to other patients.