Posted 7/8/2017 5:18 AM (GMT -5)
PSA anxiety after treatment is an everpresent reality for most of us. Even those of us who are non-detectable, there is still the "Is this going to be the time I lose my <?"
To perhaps set you somewhat at ease, 8 weeks post surgery is rarely definitive. We have had numerous threads about this, but the general idea is that PSA decreases by half-life, with a period for each half of several days. So, depending on how high he was the day of surgery, he may not be a definitive low point yet.
The 8 week (or not uncommonly 6 week) test tells you which direction it's going, and gives an idea of how close to minimum you are. A second test in 2 weeks confirms the trend. It's also important to know that if (and it is a big IF) he's going to need follow up radiation, it can't start for a while yet anyway, the surgical trauma is still healing.