Is a 4.1 psa normal for a 40yr old and does it pretty much mean it's cancer?
High psa at 40 is cause for concern but doesn't for sure mean cancer - 100.0% - 9 votes
Usually a high psa is a definite sign it's cancer. - 0.0% - 0 votes
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Posted 7/14/2017 12:50 AM (GMT -5)
I just had a psa test two weeks ago of a 4.1. The doctor seemed really concerned for someone my age having a high psa number. In your experiences starting this process.....does a high psa usually always a pretty good indicator it's cancer? I go and retest tomorrow then I leave on vacation for 2 weeks. I know great timing lol. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
island time
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Posted 7/14/2017 2:15 AM (GMT -5)
My baseline PSA was the same as yours Daniel. It'd go down...then up....limped along for 4 to 5 years before biopsy. Cipro....blood tests...etc....
I don't recommend you do that.
Go on your vacation.
Come home...and start ruling stuff out.
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Posted 7/14/2017 5:19 AM (GMT -5)
A few things for you to think about....
IF you have PC (and it's a big if), almost always you've got time to evaluate and consider multiple options. PC is not like other cancers, where you have to take radical steps immediately. Take your vacation and have a good time.
PSA, as we say often in here, is not a cancer test. It is a test of prostate irritation or activity. If you had sex or rode a bicycle, motorcycle, or horse in the 48 hours before the blood draw, they can set up an elevated PSA. Abstain from all of them for a couple days before your next test.
You're pretty young for PC. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, it does. It's just not very common.
An important thing to do is to try to relax and see what the follow up PSA shows. It may also be an infection (prostatitis), which can be notoriously difficult to treat, it will usually cause wild up and down PSA swings.
Hang in there, try to enjoy your vacation, and keep in touch.
Posted 7/14/2017 6:28 AM (GMT -5)
A high PSA in a guy your age is a very poor indicator of prostate cancer. Most (but not all) men with prostate cancer will have elevated PSA but most men your age with a high PSA don't have prostate cancer. The PSA test has a lousy rate of false positives, especially in young guys like you.
There are better tests, by the way. If your retest comes back high again you might ask your doctor about a blood test called a Prostate Health Inventory (PHI) that does a better job of weeding out false positives. It is a newish test but insurance companies are starting to pay for it and even if they don't it's not particularly expensive.
If you look at the information in the signatures of the guys who have posted answers to your question you will see a similar progression -- a high PSA... that goes up and up... and a biopsy... or two... or four... that comes back positive for cancer... that needs to be treated... and they complain (endlessly in my case) about the side effects of treatment. This can give the impression that this is how things go for guys with that first high PSA reading. What you need to remember is that most of the guys who post here a lot are among those very few guys who did have prostate cancer that was worth treating. The majority -- the guys who don't have prostate cancer -- don't usually hang around here very much. They go on vacation.
Where are you going? Be sure to tell us about your vacation when you check back in with the results of that retest.
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Posted 7/14/2017 9:27 AM (GMT -5)
Welcome to HW.
First, PSA is not a test for cancer. It tests for prostate activity. A high reading just means you need more testing to find out what is going on.
BPH (enlarged prostate), prostatitis, sex, bike riding, a bad day at the lab (lab error), can all cause high readings.
The best is to get the retest, and if it's still high do more testing, PHI, a DRE at least. Last thing you should be thinking of is PC.
Forget about this for awhile and enjoy your vacation.
and even if the worst is true, you've got it early enough that it won't be more that a medical bump in the road.
Posted 7/14/2017 9:29 AM (GMT -5)
Some information that follows up with Peter's recommendation. Good luck.
Enjoy your vacation and your family!
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Posted 7/14/2017 10:34 AM (GMT -5)
Wow ty everybody for the info!!!!! I go for my retest in 4 hours. I appreciate all the support!!!! I know I need to wait and see etc. just sucks waiting lol but I will definitely have fun on my vacation lol I will keep everyone posted!!!! Thank u!!!!!
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Posted 7/14/2017 10:42 AM (GMT -5)
Another thing I forgot to general physician did a prostate test where he felt the prostate and he said it was fine. If it was cancer would he have felt that?
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Posted 7/14/2017 10:50 AM (GMT -5)
Maybe. A DRE (digital rectal exam) can detect areas of concern and give an idea of the size of the prostate. It's just another data point and neither rules in or rules out PC.
The only thing that can confirm PC is a biopsy and putting prostate cells under the microscope.
Right now you're in the land of, "Do I need a biopsy?"
The answer: "Don't know yet and you need more testing."
Yeah, frustrating answer. I know it's a scary possibility, but try to take it a step at a time. Retest the PSA and see where you are. Right now all you have is a number that isn't right and may or may not be normal for you.
Don't completely ignore this, but try not to stress too much about what ifs. Yup easier said than done and I wasn't very good at it either. Still enjoy your vacation and have some fun before digging into this much further.
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Posted 7/14/2017 12:09 PM (GMT -5)
Ty so much!!!!!
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Posted 7/14/2017 12:13 PM (GMT -5)
Another question lol
If I do the biopsy, what all goes on? Is it outpatient? Are u knocked out? Does it hurt?
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Posted 7/14/2017 12:39 PM (GMT -5)
Biopsies are annoying, uncomfortable and undignified. Most guys don't have much pain, some do.
The standard is a transrectal needle biopsy - which is about what it sounds like. An ultrasound probe is put in your rectum and they take 12 samples with a spring loaded needle.
Not horrible, but not something you want unless it's really, really needed.
It's an outpatient procedure, most do it with a local, but you can do general if desired (costs more and not always needed).
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Posted 7/14/2017 1:03 PM (GMT -5)
I was in same boat over last few months. I hope your elevated psa turns out to be a different cause but it is something you need to find answer to. It can happen to us at 40. I am one of the few. The biopsy I was dreading but it was mostly just uncomfortable for me. It felt like someone snapping you with a little rubber band. But start to finish seemed like just a few minutes if that. Once I was confirmed with PC I just about worried myself half to death until I came here and found good information on what my options are. This forum has helped me relax and be proactive as my own informed advocate. Now I just decide the plan of how Im going to kill it! Good luck.
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Posted 7/14/2017 1:33 PM (GMT -5)
wow good luck to u too!!!!! Ty everyone for ur help and info!!!! When I made this post I wasn't expecting so many helpful and caring people to respond and for that I am grateful!!!!! about to be at my doc in about 45 mins to repeat the psa test.
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Posted 7/14/2017 3:27 PM (GMT -5)
Omg everybody I just got done at the doctor. Guess what? The doctor made a mistake and apologized over and over. She misread my test. My free testosterone was 4.1 not my psa. I'm not sure if I should be mad at her or just relieved. The last two weeks I was imagining the worst. Anyway...I wish u all well and ty so much for ur help and I wish everyone well on their journey. I feel bad because I know how hard it is for you guys. My mom went thru cancer and it was a hard battle for her. I'm so sorry and I wish you all well.
Fl Drifter
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Posted 7/14/2017 5:10 PM (GMT -5)
D-.........THIS IS THE BEST NEWS I HAVE HEARD ALL DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........... Party Down tonight !!....I`m mixing one for you right now!.........David
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Posted 7/14/2017 6:26 PM (GMT -5)
Party time!!!
This happens from time to time.
Enjoy your vacation,
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Posted 7/14/2017 7:39 PM (GMT -5)
Ty so much!!!!!!!
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Posted 7/14/2017 11:39 PM (GMT -5)
Wow that's awesome and scary. Good thing her mistake didn't result in doing anything crazy. I'd be too happy to be mad for right now. You got a new lease on your health. Reflect, appreciate, and celebrate.
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Posted 7/15/2017 5:24 AM (GMT -5)
Dan, That's a great outcome!
Just curious, what was your PSA--or did they even do it? And, seriously, If there are any PC risk factors in your life, such as a 'first line' male relative, father, brother, uncle, nephew, who has high level PC, it's not too early to start getting annual PSA and DRE exams, and logging the results.
Now that you've got some education (for example, that PSA is not a cancer test)--one author has called the male check engine light--your risk of falling into the overtreatment trap is quite a bit lower.
Glad you found us and checked in--and even gladder that it turned out to be a non-issue. Now, have a good vacation, and hopefully it will provide private time for you and your intimate partner to enjoy each other and celebrate that you still have all your parts.
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Posted 7/15/2017 11:46 AM (GMT -5)
Ty!!!!! My psa was .1. She looked at my free testosterone which was 4.1. I was so in shock I didn't even ask to see it. When I came back for a follow up psa test she walked in apologizing profusely. Ty so much for your kind words and I wish u well to everyone!!!!!