Halbert said...
With the recent news of the losses of Snowcake's dad, and Dan, and the fading days of Chris (teamchris) and Gary (Celebrate Life), it's hard for me to come in here and check the latest. With my own loss of my mom on June 15, I'm reminded very clearly about the limits, and my own mortality.
We do a lot of living in the forum, and that is a great thing. We do, however, need to remember that for some of us, this side of our common disease is very, very real. The reminders are needed, even if we'd rather not hear them.
We all stand together, and that makes us strong.
I know exactly what you mean, Brother, or at least I think I do.
There is just no way of escaping the inevitable, is there? PCa, other Ca, heart issues, car wrecks, wars, plagues or just a hospital acquired infection, super bugs, meteor strikes, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc, etc, ad infinitum. It reminds me of something another person I know of said: "Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, and spend a year there and engage in business and make a profit.”Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.". Ain't that the truth!
I suppose many or most of us we spend most of our lives blocking thoughts about
the above. But such thoughts periodically force their way into our consciousness, when we lose friends/family/loved ones. Or, when we get a scary diagnosis ourselves, it becomes much tougher to ignore the path we are on from the moment of our birth. I guess we better get busy living, and accomplishing something worthwhile during our short trip through this life.