Today I had my MRI with contrast done at MSKCC. They are very thorough. They gave me a shot of something-or-other that is used to quiet the bowel, to minimize movement.
And just before I went into the room, they took a wand and moved it over my body, to make sure I didn't have any metal inside me besides the 2 stents that I told them about
After the test was done, the technician who was a friendly dude made a comment that really surprised me. He said "in all the years I've been working here, I don't recall ever seeing a recurrence of prostate cancer."
I'm like, "WHAT?" But I didn't respond or persue it, I just chose to believe it because we all believe what we want to believe.
Now I wait for the results. With a PSA of .03 as of end of May, I'd be shocked if it picked up any prostate cancer. But I figure, exactly for the fact that I'm not worried about
it, they will probably find some collateral unexpected thing that is worse, like bladder cancer, or some other disaster. But if I didn't think that, I wouldn't be me.
One thing I know, if they do find that, I'm not having a cystoscope. No matter what. Ever.
The MRI was done only because the RO wanted a baseline, just in case I continue to see PSA rising. Guess I'll call next week for the results. I'm too scared to sign up for the MSKCC patient portal.