Posted 8/14/2017 11:54 AM (GMT -5)
Hesitating to reply here... which is an example of what I do think is kind of a forum culture problem.
I have a love/hate relationship with this forum myself. Sometimes I set it aside for a weekend, a week, or a month or more. But I do come back.
People come here with a wide variety of needs and expectations. Prostate cancer itself is complicated, and has a wide variety of diagnoses and treatments, many with fairly passionate supporters.
As I did, some people come here terrified, scared, uncertain, seeking support. When I came here, mine was a stage 3, G9 5+4, and Dr. Google had me shivering in fear. People here helped me refocus, provided encouragement, suggested questions for doctors, and so on. That helped. Some said things implying "either do this or find another doctor that will". That didn't help, and stressed me out. Still does.
I stay here trying to help new guys like I was, the severe cases, the ones coming in wide-eyed, hair on fire, just heard the worst and don't know what to do. Sometimes we can help them find their footing, live through those first scary days, and eventually start into a problem-solving mindset. That process is gratifying, and in a sense I feel that it's paying it forward. Many (most?) move on from there, and that's fine.
There are others who come here looking for validation of a preselected treatment course. They can feel offended when people here may question that plan, and suggest considering other possibilities. That's unfortunate, but it's human nature. We like to be validated. I have seen people's treatment choices challenged after they've had them done. That isn't helpful. Still, most here aren't being intentionally offensive, I'm sure. There are a couple of them that say things knowing they'll offend, but with positive intent. Not sure about that one. I have a few people on my blocked-users list, and that helps.
In the past, I've shared studies here since I'm endlessly curious and research things a lot. I won't do that anymore, certainly nothing in the areas of diagnosis or treatment. The self-assured forum cognoscenti can have that field, I won't play with them anymore. Any time I post such a thing I feel trepidation coming back to look at the thread, because I know someone will be throwing shade at me over it somehow.
I think much could be gained by considering the emotional impact of how something is said, as much as what is said.
Regarding the gatherings of some forum members, I really encourage it. We meet twice a year, and I have a really good time getting to know the guys. It's an instant family bond. It would be great if we could spawn more of those gatherings somehow.
Let's support one another; we are all in a tough situation and don't need anyone to make it worse!