three 5's and a jack said...
I believe I would prefer radiation when it comes to the SE's although I am not particularly worried about ED.
So far I have met with a surgeon, he only does open, and with a RO who only does what she called "Standard IMRT" These two Doctors both from Spokane,wa.
I have appointments for the U of W Med Center which is in alliance with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle coming up next week. One for Surgeon and one for RO. I will be able to discuss all options with them.
Now to the question so I can get some info, get better informed so to be able to ask better questions of the RO.
I live 300 miles from Seattle and due to personal situation could not live there for 9 weeks. So what Radiation treatments are there that might fit my situation DX and can be done over a few days time. Of, course still with a good percentage on the outcome?
Also any info on Robotic surgery would be helpful.
May I ask: what do you men by "I am not particularly worried about
ED."? Do you mean you do not care if you have partial or even total ED, and don't care if you have ED ( partial or likely total) for a few months if lucky or permanent if unlucky? If you don't care, then you sound like a particularly good candidate for surgery. For me the surgery or recovery was not bad, only the after effects. Although, there are several other potential, even perhaps some what likely, nasty problems that you might object to more so than ED. Bent penis, shortened penis, urination while trying to have sex, loss or orgasmic pleasure or even pain. But, if you don't care about
ED you probably also would not be overly concerned about
any of those. The only concern left would be incontinence, for a few weeks to a year or two or even permanent, requiring more surgery to probably fix it. But I'm thinking the big majority of us don't have long lasting significant problems with that, though some for sure will.
As far as I can tell by responses here and elsewhere, the RT- especially if no HT required, will result in a much lower chance of any of he above nasties. Although it has it's on list of very unpleasant results, still I think with much lower likelihood of severe problems. Assuming all goes right, with either surgery or RT.
I don't know if you would qualify, but Active Surveillance has zero side effects, assuming you don't advance. Even if you do, I think there are no significantly worse outcomes, no increased chance of death. Something to look into anyway. Good luck on your research!