rcroller said...
My new MO scheduled me for an MRI and Bone Biopsy of the hip. Anybody had one that can provide some info? The hospital called today and scheduled for this Friday. I asked if I'd be knocked out and they said no, just a local and they said it sounds worse than it feels with the drill. Im like ***?
My wife had that and - not to scare you, but said that it
really hurt. But it was the biopsy that identified her lymphoma (primary bone) and so spared her going thru surgery on her spine. I was surprised that they didn't use propofol or at least fentanyl and versed. Just the local, which apparently didn't help much.
She didn't know going into it what was going to happen. If I had known I would have asked for something. She was in the hospital for over a week, so it seemed like it was just going to be another test. At least for her lumbar punctures toward the end they started to use sedation. Where do they find these people?