teddy9 said...
I also want to learn how high can psa go before I need to treat it, whether I should consider these latest body scans to find the source of the psa, and whether genomic testing of my 4 1/2 year old prostate tissue could be of value and which test would be useful (Decipher?).
Looking for questions to ask the doctors (urologist, Medical Oncologist, Radiation Oncologist).
I'm sorry to see your latest results weren't better. I've been in your situation, though no two cases are the same. You have had a faster return of PSA both after surgery and after SRT than I did. My last PSA (June) was 0.9 and I and my MO are still holding off on starting ADT for the moment.
You should now be seeing an MO. I left my uro earlier this year and now see an MO at Dana Farber. His opinion -- based in part on the very slow increases I've had post-surgery and then post SRT -- is that my current 6-7 month doubling time may lengthen as the numbers get higher. He says he doesn't much trust doubling times based on PSA readings that aren't yet in whole numbers. My next test in October should give a better indication of whether he'll want me to start ADT soon or wait until later. You might want to ask your MO if he/she recommends ADT based purely on the number or also a combination of the number and rate of increase.
As for the new scans, I'm less impressed than I once was. When I first learned of the Choline scan at Mayo a few years ago, I thought I'd pony up for one if I had a recurrence after SRT (which I do now). Now I'm no longer interested. I can see the value for identifying mets for individual treatment for pain relief, etc. if needed. Bear in mind this is just my opinion, though also the opinion of several doctors I've discussed it with -- but I now see this as playing whack-a-mole. Whatever mets are large enough to be seen and possibly zapped, are not all there is. Those mets got there because of systemic cancer cells that are in clusters too small to be seen and which will still need systemic treatment. I suggest you discuss this with your MO, who may well believe differently than I do. Again, I'm just a patient, not an expert and my opinion can change based on persuasive evidence.
Best of luck going forward.