Posted 10/19/2017 8:03 AM (GMT -5)
Sorry that you are here, however you are very welcome. You are in the right place. Where are you located and is your medical team's credentials up to the challenge being presented? With aggressive GS9 cancer and a less than a desired pathology report, you want the best prostate cancer team you can have giving you direction for your treatment plans going forward. The initiation of Lupron into the immediate treatment plan provides time for healing and scheduling of referrals to a number one prostate cancer facility to continue on this path of "seek and destroy".
Other GS9 members will contribute their knowledge and experience here soon. Your knowledge and experience of being a RN is already benefitting your husband's cause. I certainly would be questioning the time lapse to the next step. There may be good reasons for the delay, I would be asking - "what are those reasons and why do they apply to my husband"? Please remember, those on this forum are not doctors giving medical advice, we are and have been individuals who have traveled the path or on the continuing path of fighting the battle against prostate cancer. You are in my prayers.