oldbeek said...
Is there anyone out there that had RP where NO nerves were spared. Do you use bimix 1-30. I started at 10 units and am moving up 5 units at a time. At 20 units, just plump. I know everyone is different but just wondering if there is a ball park dose. Trimix worked at 20 units BUT with sever pain.
I am a no nerve kind of guy. Trimix gave a reasonable- almost usable with no pump or ring needed- result as long as I didn't lay down, and always with way too much pain to put up with considering pleasure from orgasm was also severely reduced, and again regardless of dose results were barely usable even if I kept standing up. Bimix did a great job of getting rid of pain, as well as any hint of results, even when I used a gallon, well, OK, a full ml/cc(100 units?). At most I'd maybe get a hint of pink and warmth, not as shrunken as normal. but hey, no pain except for that "little prick" when the needle went in. Good luck! I guess just keep working the dose up slowly, that is your safest bet, frustrating though it can be. I would expect to need significantly more than the 20U that worked with Trimix, but hard to really know. And with either, an injection perfectly placed is very important. Truly close counts for nothing in this game. Only a bullseye will do you any good.