Wotan said...
Anyone else...ever have something like this...show up...in an MRI...& it turn out to be..."Benign"..??
The people with benign results tend not to stick around here for the long haul, but certainly there are people who have PI-RADS 4 MRIs that turn out not be cancer. To quote from
another on-line forum, from some fellow whose screen name sounds ... familiar:
"A PIRADS 4 lesion can [be] one of many things. Hemorrhage, internal stricture, benign lesion, scar tissue, infection damage, as well as prostate cancer. I had a PIRADS 4 lesion on PIRADS version 1, and it was downgraded to 3 with PIRADS 2.0.
"I have read several posts from men whose PIRADS 4 lesions were followed up with fusion MRI's, and no cancer was found. Some even had more biopsies, all still negative.
"You can drive yourself sick by trying to 'guess your odds'. The usual step now is a fusion biopsy targeting that lesion area. Good Luck."
Wotan, I understand your concern about
this, and how difficult it is to keep your mind from racing ahead to all manner of thoughts, but the best thing you can do is try to take things one step at a time.