Posted 11/29/2017 3:37 PM (GMT -5)
To echo a couple other recent "venting" threads...
Three weeks ago I had a really good checkup with my GP. With all that bloodwork and so on turning out stellar, I was feeling quite wonderful medically. No more doctor appointments for a long time! Headed into the Thanksgiving season feeling, well, thankful. I guess I still am, but the happiness was short-lived.
The Friday before Thanksgiving, my 86 yo dad proved he was cured of PCa by definition, by passing away from something else (a heart attack). He had heart issues a long time, so it wasn't completely unexpected. He had PCa surgery 14 years ago, with never any kind of recurrence. So, we put a couple thousand miles on the car, saw family, funeral (full military, received the flag, very moving), the whole deal, and had our Thanksgiving dinner at a truck stop on the way home.
Then yesterday, a cherished coworker, a friend, passed away from colon cancer. He went through diagnosis and treatments (surgery, chemo) a year before my whole PCa experience. We supported each other, commiserated, celebrated successes together. about a year ago he found that his cancer recurred, an ominous sign for him. As we've noted here there are no good cancers, but some are worse than others.
This one-two punch has me reeling a bit. I find myself just staring at my desk a lot, feeling rather empty. The beautiful seasonal decorations just look like a bunch of fluff and lights, meaningless.
We all face loss, this is common to the human experience, but just thought I'd share. It helps me to talk through things, and there aren't many people around me who can listen. I'll be glad to see 2017 in the rear view mirror.
Hug your family. Phone your friends. Time is short. Order the wine. Eat the dessert....