More specifically, boost your odds of staying on AS longer...
If you are on Active Surveillance, then you already have taken an "active" interest in your long-term health and well being by becoming a well-educated and knowledgeable patient. If so, you are probably also interested in the best ideas of what else you can do to stay on the AS path.
Dr Aaron Katz, et al, recently published a report addressing their "active holistic surveillance" program which has achieved
elevated levels of success for men on AS. Katz reports that "
in our experience, 88% of men on active holistic surveillance never need treatment." The Klotz and other well-known AS programs also have similar lifestyle modification programs.
The Katz program employs the well-documented "best practices" from the overlapping worlds of cancer care and complementary medicines. The common-sense dietary recommendations are:
- Elimination of red meat and increased intake of fish or poultry
- Increased intake of fresh vegetables (kale, spinach cauliflower, broccoli)
- 1–2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed added to oatmeal, cereal, or yogurt daily
- Reduced dairy intake, with the exception of organic yogurt
- Reduced sugar intake
- Soy milk instead of cow’s milk
- Whole wheat pasta instead of white pasta
- 1–2 cups of green tea each day
- 1 glass of Pinot Noir red wine with dinner 2–3 times a week
Report link: Edited (JackH) : 6/20/2016 2:06:27 PM (GMT-6)