Posted 2/10/2018 12:02 AM (GMT -5)
In the leaving with notice thread, someone said they read old posts and saw where people had been really active, with lots of posts and then suddenly disappeared and was worried and wondering what became of them. I confess I was one of those people who quietly disappeared. I had a high post count (being a Moderator helped there, plus I liked posting and helping people). I started posting in 2007, at my initital diagnosis, and ran strong until about 2010 or so, then slowed down and backed off from burn out and being "cured' of any active signs. Cured being used with sarcasm. With a return and having SRT in 2014, along with an accompaning heart attack, I again backed off and stayed in read only stage. The further I got from my initial disease, the less I wanted to think about it, and after getting zero's following the SRT, I began to mentally put it behind me. I seldom think about it now, and only look at HW once a month or so, and then to quick scan to see if a few of the old guys I knew and are concerned about has posted any updates on their situation. Not that I don't care about you newer guys, but my knowledge base is now 8 to 10 years old, and I don't have as much to offer as I once thought I did. I had put it behind me so much that I even forgot , until now, that I didn't post a 10 years update last Sept. Totally forgot! Maybe that's when we can consider ourselves "cured'_ when we forget that it even has an anniversary. LOL So , I apologize for my lack of contact, I'm still alive and kicking, in good health and wish you all easy days and peaceful nights.