Tall Allen said...
That study was among men getting primary radiation therapy with adjuvant ADT for intermediate or high risk PC. What relevance do you think it has for you?
Fair question. It does not apply directly, or may not apply at all, as far as how long ADT was used for, or the prostate cancer specific survivability.
I am more interested in what they observed as the differences between the prostate cancer specific and overall survivability of the men in the study, regardless of how long they were on ADT. As you know, I am contemplating beginning ADT at some point in the future. If this study finds that men are surviving prostate cancer but are disproportionally dying of heart attacks, diabetes, or some other side effect of ADT, I think that would have some relevance to my choice as to when to begin ADT.
I'm sure the study will not address that directly. But maybe they would have statistics on, for example, the average age of men in the study and the number that survived for 10 years. If their overall survivability, after adjusting for prostate cancer deaths was, say, twice as high as we would expect for men that age, don't you think that might raise some questions about
whether ADT was in itself increasing PC survivability but lowering overall survivability? Do you know of studies that have specifically looked at that question?