Posted 2/20/2018 11:50 AM (GMT -5)
Good morning to all My Brother's, it's been awhile since posting, so today is the day. Have reached my 4 year mark, and am still undetectable, <0.04, Thank God! Incontinence is still and issue, not a lot, but enough to be a pain in the ass, so, it's time for intervention... An attempt at urodynamics was done, but the nurse assigned for my procedure, "Nurse *****", complained the moment I entered the room. "I'm the only nurse in the group who is trained to do this, I work for Dr. $%^&, don't know why I'm doing all of Dr. ( My Surgeon's) patients, I've done 10K procedures, so if you don't do well, it's your fault", is how the morning began... First, I pissed too hard in the bucket, and set the graph off the chart... Then an attempt to catheterize me failed, 3 times, and it was my fault... She said I had a stricture... Then she left the catheter in to consult My Surgeon to see how HE wanted to proceed... I pulled the catheter out myself, got dressed, left the room before she returned, and filed a complaint... To make a long story short, MY Surgeon and MY Surgical Nurse"s performed a cysto scope a month later, after antibiotics... No stricture, just a very strong bladder sphincter muscle!!! Just not enough to stop stress incontinence, or immediate leaking when I get aroused... So, it looks like the Ad Vance Sling is in my future! I've read many of the successful outcomes on this site, and I'm looking forward to intervention... Sure, I've waited way to long, but the prospect of another surgery and sitting still for 6 to 8 weeks is something I just can't do... Well, the good news, still undetectable, Bless ALL of You for your support and kind words since my diagnosis... Bob