Posted 5/10/2018 6:20 PM (GMT -5)
MJ, welcome to our club, and it sounds like you're on a good start to figuring out what to do. Gleason 3+4 is considered low-intermediate risk, which means that cure is in your vocabulary. You can google search for the MSK (memorial sloan kettering) prostate cancer nomogram--put in your data, and it will give you the probabilities. That being said, us 3+4's have every probability (>90%) of being once and done when it comes to treatment.
The good news is that you have some time to determine your course, and get comfortable with it. Surgery is an option, as are pretty much any of the radiation treatments. The question comes down to two things: what is reasonably available to you and what side effect risk profile are you comfortable with?
I'm a surgery guy, and I've had an excellent outcome: I hit 'trifecta' (cancer free/no continence issues/no ED) within 6 weeks. Other guys aren't so fortunate. Other guys have had great outcomes from the various radiation therapies. The important thing (my opinion) is to find the best, most experienced, most accessible to you, experts, and go there. When you land with "your guy", you'll walk out of the consultation knowing you've found him or her. It really does work that way.
Keep digging, keep asking questions, and the answers will come.