fiddlecanoe said...
Following up on John T,. who said that it is likely you do in fact have cancerous cells in your prostate. Prostate cancer is rampant among older men. They key is avoiding over-treatment, meaning treating with surgery or radiation a cancer that is not dangerous. This has happened a lot, with the result that a lot of guys have serious side effects from treating a non-dangerous cancer. So, I think the best thing you can do now is educate yourself about prostate cancer, Gleason scores, and such, so that after your biopsy you will be equipped to understand what the doctor is saying to you. I did not educate myself adequately, with the result that that conversation was a blur. Also, take someone with you to the post-biopsy visit with the doctor, and take notes.
That right there is some good advice. As many have already said, your odds of having cancer detected by biopsy are pretty high. Why? Because autopsies on men over 60, from places that did not have much PSA testing, men who died of things other than PC, have shown that most of them had some PC in the old gland and had no clue. A fair number even had high risk PC hiding in them. However, even if you are like an average older male and have some PC in there, that is a long, long ways from dying of PC, EVEN IF YOU HAVE NOTHING DONE about
The key to this whole PSA/Biopsy(Bx) thing is being educated before hand, so that you can avoid panic over a very low risk PC and having a "just get it out of there NOW" type of response, which is very commonly encouraged by a surgeon, or at least not discouraged. More and more men are being diagnosed with low risk PC and choosing to do nothing more than watch it closely. And at the very least they can take plenty of time to decide if they really need treatment and if so, which treatment is best for them.
On the outside chance that you- like me- not only actually have a detectable PC but also have a high risk PC, there is still no need for panic, even though you probably will anyway. ;) You will just want to get it treated in a reasonable amount of time, in which case you have a fair chance of either an outright cure, or at the least you still have really good odds of living many years and dying of some of the more common causes of death that normally gets us guys. The odds of that later, even if you have a high risk PC ( but caught early which is most likely the case), are really quite good.
So deep breath, and let's see what that Bx says, and even if it says "PC", let's make sure it also says "panic" before we do so. Because there is a very good chance that even if it says PC, you really don't need to have any kind of aggressive treatment yet, and possibly for years, and possibly never! So start educating yourself, brother, so that you will know how to react appropriately, whatever the news turns out to be.