RobLee said...
Good luck John. Sorry I do not have much to contribute. I knew one pancreatic victim who participated in a support group but he disappeared. Someone said he was still around but doesn't show up... probably too weak. Be strong for your wife, as much as you can. Talk when she wants to and don't when she doesn't. She has memories of her brother that go back long before she met you, and unfortunately there's not much more to be said in an open forum such as this. Just be prepared.
Thanks Rob, that's great advice. She's pretty close with her brother, they are the only siblings in the family.
We found out MD Anderson is one of two facilities in the country (Sloan is the other one I believe) testing experimental pancreatic cancer treatment using the patient's stem cells so we're going to pray and be optimistic. This is a stressful time for us as we're three months in to a major house remodeling and addition project. We've had guys here five or six days a week for two months and more than once I wanted to take a hammer to the radio that blasts out country and western music for eight hours a day.
The end result will be good as we're getting a walk in shower and bathroom that will be mostly ADA (American's with Disabilities Act) compliant. Planning ahead for a lack of good mobility.
Okay, enough about
Happy Father's Day to all of my PCa buddies here.