Bobby Mac said...
Approximately 15 months following SRT blood at times in urine when straining for BM. URO thinks radiation damage to bladder.
Hey Bobby Mac, I'm glad you posted! Is the "Calling all pT3 Club" (The Horse Has Left The Barn Boys) still active? I was initiated over a year ago, and the thread seems to have ended there. I recently mentioned it to another new T3b'er but wasn't sure. It seems our big brothers (the G9/10 group) is more active.
Pratoman said...
I’m really surprised to read about all these intermediate and long term side effects, after being told by my RO that chances of side effects beyond a month or two after completing SRT were “less than 1%” and very rare with the new machines
Yeah, especially hearing about
it here on HW!
No one ever mentioned it before I started RT, but my RO shrugged his shoulder as said "some bowel disruption is to be expected". Really? REALLY???
CaliJR said...
it can’t be the radiation, right?
Yup... anyone who has had radiation will tell you that radiation has no SE's.
BTW, I'm sorry to read about
your experience JR. Is the .22 PSA your nadir... is it stable? I see you've been thru just about
everything already.