Posted 7/9/2018 4:17 PM (GMT -5)
July 9 - meeting with oncologist. He is pleased with the low numbers - <0.008 and say the prostate cancer is undetectable so I don't need another hormone shot until the numbers rise up again PSA 8-10.
I am not one to rely on only one reading so, for peace of mind - and wanting to starve the cancer - I requested a second hormone shot ( I had originally been told I would be getting 3 shots over a period of 3 months each- 9 months in total).
I have not experienced any side effects - so he is letting me do this for my benefit. I will give him another PSA test result in 3 months ( actually had already planned one a month for the next 6 months) and see him in 6 months - in 2019 !!
All in all I am pleased. I am going with the flow. Glad with the numbers - just want to keep them low.
After the meeting in January 2019, will just let it ride if numbers are still low and see where the numbers go every 3-6 months as per his plan.
You have to be your own advocate to ensure your best treatment for your health and peace of mind.
Best wishes to one and all,
Tatt2man / Bronson