John_TX said...
Effexor really helped me... I take tramadol on a regular basis for general pain mitigation
John, you be careful with that combo. The interaction is well documented, though generally is only a problem at higher doses. Agents capable of causing serotonin syndrome can also include such seemingly benign meds as Zofran. I hate to sound like a know it all, but I had used Tramadol regularly for over a decade following a serious orthopedic injury, and had to withdraw from it before my doc would allow me to start using Effexor. It was rough. Long story. Anyway, just be careful.
John_TX said...
I think it also has a positive effect on a feeling of well-being (others have reported that 'side effect'.)
As a friend once said of aging... "I used to use drugs, now I 'take medication'. I used to get high, now I 'experience side effects'
John_TX said...
I tried to stay busy and live a normal life when on Lupron but many times I was completely ambivalent to the point of minor depression and not interested in doing anything. It really messed with my emotions.
Amen to that. Many guys report, like me, just laying around all day... not really brooding, but just not interested in
anything. It's hard to read about
going to the gym five days a week when you don't even feel like making a trip to the refrigerator.