Posted 7/17/2018 9:29 PM (GMT -5)
All the details of my progress -
I was able to remove the permanent cath after 55 days and go to self cath last week. I was very afraid to try it but i got encouragement from friends here. The self cath was a smaller 14 fr instead 18 perm and it was much less painful. No painful spasms like perm cath. Unfortunately on day 2 a seed came out in my pee after sex which is common but it may have also been in my urethra next to the perm cath for 50 days - I will never know except Brachy doc said I am 1 in 500 of his patients that had to be on perm cath so long.
Either way I am taking the conservative approach as recommended by my friends on this board and My new Urology DR. I will continue self cath and pray for the continued improvement which has already taken place. I am currently averaging about 350 ml peeing and 1100 cath per day and cath in about 4 hour intervals. I have reduced my water a intake a little to help manage volume & the durations. My average urgency is about every 2 hours and I have gone from dribbles originally to some weak pee streams & dribbles - my record so far is 125ml at one interval. The Dr recommended me to continue self cath and he will see me back in 3 months - he said no need to do cysto because it would not change the management of my urine retention and it will just irritate the swelling and could cause more problems. If you pray please add me to your prayer list and email me I will pray for you also. I believe that God is the most powerful Dr in the world...